International Falcon Breeders Auction 2024

To enhance the ancient cultural heritage in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and inhale new scents from the fragrance of its authentic history, the Saudi Falcon Club strive, through the International Falcon Breeders Auction, for gathering the elite of falcon breeds in the world, making “Riyadh” a global center in the field of falcons, in The encouragement of falconers and falcon lovers to buy and trade the produced falcons on the one hand, and an emphasis on clinging to the roots of the past and preserving its precious treasures for future generations on the other hand.

Start Date: 01 January 2024

End Date: 08 August 2024


Advantages pattern

• Falcon breeders have the opportunity to showcase their breeding talents at a global scale
during the exhibition and the international auction, which will be both live and virtual to
enable international purchases, resulting in a larger reach and audience.
• International Purchases are made easy through SFC’s state-of-the-art virtual platform.
• The SFC will not deduct any commission from the selling price, however, the government
value added tax (VAT) of 15% will be the responsibility of the seller.
• The SFC will take care of local CITES fees.
• The SFC will provide complimentary dedicated spaces for each exhibitor within the
exhibition area.
• Breeders will have the opportunity to represent and advertise their Falcon Farm within
the International Falcon Breeders Auction.
• All Falcon Farms/Breeders are allowed an unlimited number of Elite Falcons to be sold at
the IFBA. (Please note each falcon must be from quality racing and/or hunting lines).
• The SFC will take care of travel visa application fees.
• The SFC will advertise and market all exhibitors through the club’s official platforms
and marketing campaigns.
• The SFC will handle all expenses related to local custom clearance fees and
transportation of the falcons from King Khalid International Airport to the IFBA